Friday, June 10, 2016

Blog Re-Launch Coming Soon...

Designer Dreaming is re-launching! 

Yes, you heard me right. (get ready for morning scanning blogs in your underpants - everybody does that right?!) I've been working so hard to come up with new and exciting things for this blog. For the longest time I felt like I could only post a few types of things, but now I feel, for more fun and inspiration, I'll be posting a few different types of things. 

We are going to be a lifestyle blog. 

While fashion was, and is still, such a passion of mine, I also feel like I miss out sharing the other creative things I like. For examples, styling my house, makeup, thrift shopping, and just being crafty on the sewing machine. I'll still be posting fashion inspiration from the runways, which I have always loved. But, for most of us, that fashion is out of reach, or we just can validate spending that kind of money. 

In the past few years, after a few friends turned me onto it, I have really enjoyed thrift shopping and scouring vintage stores. Fashion is not about price, its about having an eye and making your own style. Along with sales and some stuff I make, I will be showing you how I build my wardrobe! Plus, it's very eco friendly and I love donating clothes back!

I'll also be revisiting the Rum and Couture line, for those who have been following me since then. In fact this blog might migrate there at some point! But, I'll also be posting more stuff than just fashion. For instance, my new found love of fun makeup. Something I've never really experimented with. And of course just fun stuff from my home. I'm always looking at throw pillows and how to organize and style everything around me. 

I'm excited to share my life and style blog with you all!

Until next time, 
I'll be designer dreaming.

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